Prepare for your interview

Dress like you are going to work

Be early

Be polite to all during your interview

Be honest and personable

Be short and to the point

Be prepared for your interview by researching the company’s profile and background. Look at the company’s long-term goals and plans. During the interview keep those goals and plans in mind. Be ready to answer the question, “Why do you want to work for our company?”. Look on social media sites like LinkedIn to learn more about the person that is interviewing you. It will also be important to know their title.

Think of questions you will want to ask the interviewer ahead of time. Ask about their culture or discover more about the position. They will want to see that you are engaging in the conversation.

Practicing before the interview with a friend is important. They can give you feedback to help you improve.

Think ahead about your career goals, past successes and work strengths. However, you should be prepared for a question like “What is your biggest weakness?” or “Why do you want this job?”. Remember it is okay to say that you don’t know something.

When the interview is over, shake the interviewer’s hand and thank them. Always ask “When can I expect to hear back from you about the position?” Take the time to send a thank you note within the first 48 hours. If you have not heard back about the position within 2 weeks, you can follow up with the interviewers.